Main Section

Sunday Worship
We meet for prayer, music, and reflection at 6pm each Sunday. We have an informal worship style, and invite you to join us just as you are. Sermon videos are here.
If you are unable to worship with us in person, we livestream our scripture and sermon on Facebook Live, and we Zoom our services (just email us to get the link each month). We hope you'll join us in person or online!
Dinner Church
The first Sunday of each month is special at Safe Harbor. We gather at 6pm in the community building (rather than the sanctuary) to share a meal and spend some time catching up. We enjoy music and food together, and hold a communion and prayer service around our dinner tables. If you would like to get to know our church better, this is the place to do it! Everyone is welcome.
Wednesday Discussions
During the academic year, we meet most Wednesdays at 7:00pm for spiritual formation. This is a time to practice our faith together and learn to see God in our daily lives. Meeting times and places are announced on Sundays at worship and in our GroupMe.
Church Retreat
We retreat annually as a congregation in order to get to know each other better, draw closer to God, and enjoy a time of refreshment and renewal. The whole family is invited to participate, and activities are provided for children and youth. All are welcome at the retreat, whether you're a member, friend, or newcomer to the community.
Other Gatherings
We meet at other times throughout the year for Craft Night, Game Night, Outdoor Excursions, and outreach opportunities. Please sign up for the Beacon newsletter and add our public calendar to your Google calendar to stay up to date.